Migration To Singapore

Friday 27 June 2014

Requirements For A Work Pass For Singapore

Singapore is an open economy with firm presence in manufacturing sector and other services. The main engine of growth of the economy is manufacturing, especially electronics. The second largest manufacturing sector is the chemical industry. Singapore is also known for its petroleum-refining center which is the third largest sector in the world. The workers of Singapore are among the best employees in the world because of their productivity, technical skills and work attitude. They are dedicated, hardworking and are keen to upgrade their knowledge and skills. 

Migration To Singapore
Working in Singapore has been a dream for many people living overseas. Singapore has always been providing great opportunities for the foreign workers to visit and work in Singapore. Foreign talents continue to be an important resource because many companies confront problems hiring suitable staff to facilitate locally and regionally for replacement requirements or expanding businesses.
For experiencing the true potential of Singapore as a business center, non-Singaporean citizens need to have an employment pass. 

This is a working pass that is issued by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower to the competent workers, managers, professionals, entrepreneurs or business holders. Singapore being one of the world’s largest business centers follows some regulations while offering employment passes. The work pass provides you with the opportunity of living and employing. This helps in eradicating chances of illegal businesses.

Who should apply for an Employment Pass?

The Work Permit (WP) or Employment Pass is for foreigners who:
·         Want to work in Singapore
·         Belong to an approved source country (depending on the sector where the worker will be employed in).
The following demands will make you eligible to apply for Work Pass:
1.       Hiring foreign staff for Singapore Company. In this case, you will need to file a Work Pass application for each employee.
2.       You are the owner or director of a Singapore company and wish to relocate to Singapore to run your business.

Following are the important factors and necessities for an Employment Pass:
1.       A monthly fixed salary exceeding S$ 2,500.
2.       Degree from a reputable institute and professional experience in the relevant field. 
3.       No quota system. Authorities consider applications on the basis of the requirement neededby the employing company.

 Types of employment pass in Singapore
There are three types of pass: P1, P2 and Q Pass.
a)      P1 –for those applicants who will be earning a salary equal to or greater than SGD  8,000 SGD a month
b)      P2 – for applicants earning a salary equal to or greater than SGD 4,500 monthly base salary
c)       Q – for applicantsearning betweenSGD 2,500 -3,300 in a month. 

Work pass lasts for up to two years and it can be renewed only if you are still employed in Singapore. Employers can get permanent residence after working a number of years in Singapore.
You can also search the internet for more detailed information related to the process of getting Work Pass. If you do not know where to look then, log on to http://immigration.sg/ for a much detailed and comprehensive understanding of the processes and the requirements that you need to fulfil for getting a work pass.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Singapore EPass Application Consultants

The Singapore Employment Pass (EP) or the more commonly known EPass is a form of working visa that is issued to professionals from abroad, managers or directors of companies and so on. There are a number of Consultants in Singapore who can help you to fill out the EPass Application easily and getting your EPass faster, and with less hassle.
The EPass (EP) is generally issued for a period of 1-2 years at a time. An EP helps you in getting work, living in Singapore, and travelling in and out of the country. If you possess an EPass then you can easily get a Consultant to guide you on how to convert your visit EPass into a potential Permanent Residence in Singapore.

 Employment Pass Application Procedure and Timeline

Epass application in Singapore


Applications for the Singapore EPass along with the attached required documents should be sent to the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, the body that processes these EPass Applications. The Application process is generally quicker and hassle free if you get a Consultant to help you out with the Application process.

The Application process can be manual or online. For an online Application, the time usually varies from 1-10 working days, depending on different factors, ie the hiring company, the applicant, how well versed the Consultant is in choosing the best Application process for the applicant and so on. For the manual process time usually taken is 3-6 weeks.
As you can see, the time taken to process the EPass Application can vary vastly, owing to a few factors, some of which have been mentioned above.

Approval and Collection of Employment Pass

If and when your EPass visa Application gets approved, you will get a formal approval from the Ministry of Manpower, called and In-Principle-Approval. This will be send directly to the hiring organization, or the Consultant that you have chosen. The Application approval will reach the organization via the address provided on the EPass Application. You will have to be in Singapore to collect your EPass.

For the EPass to be issued to the applicant, MOM will be requiring a copy of the Letter of approval, the Application form, the applicant’s passport, Medical Exam Reports done by an expert in Singapore, and any additional documents as per requirements. The IPA will be providing all the information of the documents required. Along with a list of the tests that the applicant needs to have done (Medical and otherwise). You can get it done when you arrive in Singapore.

If you are from abroad, and will be needing an entry visa to come collect your EPass then you need to ask your Consultant to have a onetime entry visa so that you can come to Singapore and get your EPass. If you had applied for Dependent’s Passes and/or Long-Term Visit Passes for your family, you can collect these at the same time when collecting your EP.
When going for a Consultant, look for Singapore Immigration, Singapore’s leading, multi award winning permanent residency Application and immigration Services Company.

Monday 23 June 2014

Difference Between An E-Pass & Permanent Residence

Before you migrate to any foreign land you need to have your documentation in order. For that you need to know everything that there is to know about the immigration laws about the country. Immigration laws differ from country to country. What might be relevant to one country may not be relevant to the other. Let us discuss Singapore in particular. This article focuses on the difference between an E-pass and permanent residence.
Migration To Singapore

You can apply for various visas if you plan on moving to Singapore according to your needs and eligibility. Applying for an S-pass, an E-pass, permanent residence or even citizenship is an option. However each one of these carries its own pros and cons so let us look at the differences between an E-pass and permanent residence.  

An E-pass or an entrepreneurial pass is for businessmen who are looking to establish their businesses on Singapore soil. This would give them the right to incorporate a company and run a business in Singapore. The E-pass in valid for 2 years after which you can get it renewed as many times as it is needed as long as your business is up and running successfully.

E-pass holders also have the benefit of obtaining visas for their immediate family very easily so that they can come live with them in Singapore. There are also various tax benefits for business owners that can be conveyed better to you by a migration consultant. All in all applying for an E-pass is a great option; however there are many differences when it comes to permanent residence.
Applying for permanent residence has a host of benefits and advantages of its own. There are great differences when it comes to the E-pass. Permanent residents are entitled to own their own property in Singapore. Although that is only limited to second hand apartments; they are also entitled to easy housing loans in respect to this. 

Unlike E-pass, permanent residence gives you the freedom to stay in Singapore for as long as you’d want. That is a huge difference. Permanent residents do not have to leave the country in case they lose employment; however an E-pass holder can only stay in the country if he is conducting his business. Permanent residents also enjoy the facility of having preference for admissions for their children in public schools. 

There are many differences between an E-pass and permanent residence but you should apply for either one according to your needs and eligibility. Log onto immigration.sg to get more information related to that. The website is host to a lot of valuable information for those who plan to immigrate to Singapore. You can also get in touch with a company representative if you would like. 

All you have to do is contact them via the details that have been provided on the website for your convenience. As long as you do all this, you should find yourself in Singapore in no time at all. Good luck everybody!

Saturday 21 June 2014

Difference Between An E-Pass & Permanent Residence

Every country has different laws, rules, and regulations regarding immigrants. Today we will discuss some regarding Singapore. If you plan on moving to Singapore anytime soon you should be aware of the various visas that you might or might not be applicable for and the pros and cons of those thereof. Let us look at some of the differences between an E-pass and a permanent residence. An entrepreneur pass allows you to establish your business or company in Singapore.

immigration to singapore
Once you obtain an E-pass it is valid for two years after which you would have to get it renewed. That is not a problem at all since you can get it renewed as many times as you want as long as you have a running business. An E-pass holder also has the advantage of getting visas for his immediate family to come live with him in Singapore. Attaining permanent residence also has many advantages. For one, permanent residents can own second hand apartments in Singapore. E-pass holders cannot do that. That is one of the major differences among many.

Permanent residents do not have visa limitations. This means that if a permanent resident happens to lose his job he does not have to fear having to leave the company. An E-pass however is only valid till your business is up and running. Obtaining permanent residence also gives your children preference for admissions in public schools.

Yet again, this is another difference and a benefit that E-pass holders do not enjoy. It is not all bad however, as E-pass holders get significant tax relations due to the nature of their work that permanent residents can not enjoy as employees working for firms. In terms of growth and exposure, getting an E-pass just might be what you need in order to prosper as a businessman and expand beyond borders. Singapore gives a host of opportunities to international entrepreneurs in this regard.

As you can see both statuses have their own advantages. But you need to focus on what you need and apply accordingly. It is not a bad idea to get in touch with a professional like a consultant who can clearly highlight differences between E-pass and permanent residence in more detail. You can also search the internet for more information regarding the differences between differences between E-pass and permanent residence.

If you do not know where to start however then we suggest that you log on to immigration.sg; you can get a lot of information regarding immigration to Singapore and visas on the website. You can also get in touch with a representative for better guidance. All you have to do is contact them via the contact details that have been provided on the webpage for your convenience. Staying informed always increased your chances of getting what you want, so gain as much information as you can and you would be off to Singapore in absolutely no time at all. Good luck now everyone!

Monday 16 June 2014

Efforts Of Migration Specialist Singapore In Getting An Entrepreneur Pass

Singapore is a wonderful country. Every year thousands of people travel to Singapore for various reasons. Some travel for a retreat, while others travel in hopes of employment or attaining a permanent residency. If you are a third kind however, then this article has solely been written for you. It discusses the efforts of migration specialists in Singapore in getting you an entrepreneur pass. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner who is looking to set up their business overseas and particularly in Singapore, then the entrepreneur pass is exactly what you need. However if you do not know how to actually get an entrepreneur pass for yourself then it is highly advisable that you get in touch with a migration consultant in Singapore. There are many benefits if you get in touch with a migration advisor in Singapore to attain an entrepreneur pass.

The first benefit of an entrepreneur pass is that you can set up your company in Singapore immediately after its incorporation. That is not a benefit that you get with an employment pass; you have to wait 6 months for it to come into effect in that situation. Entrepreneur pass is valid for up to 2 years. All you need to have is the willingness to settle into Singapore and run a business that has potential growth. The efforts of a professional migration specialist in Singapore can make the whole process much easier for you in comparison to if you try to do it yourself. The entrepreneur pass gives you the advantage that you immediate family can come live with you in Singapore. As far as the validity goes, your entrepreneur pass can be renewed as many times as possible as long as your business is running and operational. A migration mentor in Singapore can guide you best on how to apply for your family’s paperwork and other formalities.

A migration advisor’s job just does not end at getting you your visa but they also help you in settling in. After all you will be coming in an absolutely new environment. In such a situation it is very helpful to have somebody who can guide you through various traditions, ways of living, customs, local trends etc. Aside from that your migration specialist can also help you by providing information regarding housing and transportation facilities. It is his job to make sure that you have absolutely no trouble when it comes to settling down in Singapore. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with a migration specialist now! Have no ideas on where to look for one? You can always search for some online. A good place to start would be immigration.sg you can get a lot of information from the website. You can also get in touch with them through the contact details that have been provided on the website. So why should you wait any longer? Start working towards your entrepreneur passes today!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Efforts Of Migration Specialist Singapore In Getting PR

Singapore is a beautiful country. In fact for a lot of people out there it is one of the best places to go and work. Majority of the people that go to Singapore on work visas end up falling in love with the place. If you happen to be one of those people then you might want to apply for a PR (permanent residence) status. This article will tell you about the efforts of migration specialist of Singapore in getting PR status.
There are many benefits of attaining PR status in Singapore. Permanent residents have the right to buy and own their own property as well albeit they can only own second hand apartments but a home is a home. Get in touch with a migration specialist in Singapore and he will help you get your documentations in order. 
Once the efforts of a migration consultant in Singapore get you a permanent residence status you wouldn’t have to worry about visa limitations. You can stay in the country for as long as you want to, whether you have a job or not. There will be no more hassles of finding a new job in a hurry because of the fear of being deported.
If you become a permanent resident and your children are of school going age, they would be given preference for admission in public sector schools. If you would like to know more about that, you can definitely ask your migration advisor in Singapore. Permanent residents also enjoy the benefit of obtaining family visit visas so that they can be visited by loved ones. 
You are applicable to file for a permanent resident status if you are under 50 years of age and have been working in Singapore for at least 6 months. The numbers of PR statuses being granted have started to decline in the past few years so it is advised that you hire the services of a migration specialist in Singapore so that you have better chances of being accepted.
So if you really have your heart set on the permanent resident status, why wait any longer? Get in touch with a migration consultant and start working on your applications. The process might take around 4 to 5 months of processing in order for it to be accepted. So start right now and save as much time as you can. 
You can also search the internet for more information on the matter. A good place to start would be immigration.sg. You can obtain a lot of information from the website and even contact them via the contact details that have been provided for your convenience. A wonderful life in Singapore awaits you, all you have to do is make the best of this opportunity and you will not regret it in the least. So gather as much information as you can, avoid hasty decisions, and you will become a permanent resident of Singapore in absolutely no time at all. Good luck!