Migration To Singapore

Saturday 21 June 2014

Difference Between An E-Pass & Permanent Residence

Every country has different laws, rules, and regulations regarding immigrants. Today we will discuss some regarding Singapore. If you plan on moving to Singapore anytime soon you should be aware of the various visas that you might or might not be applicable for and the pros and cons of those thereof. Let us look at some of the differences between an E-pass and a permanent residence. An entrepreneur pass allows you to establish your business or company in Singapore.

immigration to singapore
Once you obtain an E-pass it is valid for two years after which you would have to get it renewed. That is not a problem at all since you can get it renewed as many times as you want as long as you have a running business. An E-pass holder also has the advantage of getting visas for his immediate family to come live with him in Singapore. Attaining permanent residence also has many advantages. For one, permanent residents can own second hand apartments in Singapore. E-pass holders cannot do that. That is one of the major differences among many.

Permanent residents do not have visa limitations. This means that if a permanent resident happens to lose his job he does not have to fear having to leave the company. An E-pass however is only valid till your business is up and running. Obtaining permanent residence also gives your children preference for admissions in public schools.

Yet again, this is another difference and a benefit that E-pass holders do not enjoy. It is not all bad however, as E-pass holders get significant tax relations due to the nature of their work that permanent residents can not enjoy as employees working for firms. In terms of growth and exposure, getting an E-pass just might be what you need in order to prosper as a businessman and expand beyond borders. Singapore gives a host of opportunities to international entrepreneurs in this regard.

As you can see both statuses have their own advantages. But you need to focus on what you need and apply accordingly. It is not a bad idea to get in touch with a professional like a consultant who can clearly highlight differences between E-pass and permanent residence in more detail. You can also search the internet for more information regarding the differences between differences between E-pass and permanent residence.

If you do not know where to start however then we suggest that you log on to immigration.sg; you can get a lot of information regarding immigration to Singapore and visas on the website. You can also get in touch with a representative for better guidance. All you have to do is contact them via the contact details that have been provided on the webpage for your convenience. Staying informed always increased your chances of getting what you want, so gain as much information as you can and you would be off to Singapore in absolutely no time at all. Good luck now everyone!

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