Migration To Singapore

Friday 18 April 2014

Benefits of Epass

The Employment pass for Singapore is a visa that is offered to the foreign shareholders,entrepreneurs and managing directors so that they can come to Singapore and set up their business in the country. However, EP can even be used as a work visa that is issued to the managers, supervisors, professionals, key employees and all such workers who have a specialized skill. For the employees and professionals who have a specialized skill there are certain requirements for the Epass application.

•    A fixed salary of $2,500 every month and it means that the employee has to earn a minimum of this much salary.

•    An accredited college degree from a reputable school. The degree then shall be identified and accredited for the employment pass application.

•    Professional qualifications are even very much necessary as without the these qualifications the Epass is issued to the employee.

•    Specialized talents or skills is perhaps the most important criteria for the E Pass application.

•    Work related experience of some years.
The ministry of manpower also makes the decision that is based on the age of the applicant, his responsibilities and his recent citizenship. The Epass application offers great advantages to the employees and they are as follows.

•    The Epass allows the employee to live there and earn there as long as he wants. It provides them with a work permit and this means that he can work there for as long as he want and that no one can stop him.

•    The Epass entitles the employee to receive several benefits of living in Singapore like health insurance, medical and much more.

•    Just by maintaining a monthly fixed salary of a minimum of $2,500, the employee gets an Epass application and it means that the employee is an official there.

•    It increases his chances of further employment in Singapore allowing him to earn even more.

•    It makes that employee more competent in Singapore and increases his overall worth in the country.

•    He gets the freedom to fly from and to Singapore any time he wants.
With such great advantages attached with E Pass application, the employees definitely need to get one for Singapore because it provides them with great feasibility and added advantage that they cannot get elsewhere.

Opposing  to a famous belief, getting done in the educational criteria does not automatically makes a person eligible for the EP. In fact, the MOM does make an exception and provides this work visa to the applicants who have great professional skills and even qualifications if they fall short in their educational criteria.
In accordance with the agency, the visa has around three categories that are primarily dependent on the fixed monthly salary of the employee.

http://immigration.sg/ is a website that you can visit for further information about Epass and how it works and what is required for that. It is a great website with all the information you require.

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