Migration To Singapore

Saturday 17 May 2014

Singapore Entrepreneur Pass

Singapore being an island country and a busy port has drawn the attention of many business tycoons to come to Singapore and flourish their businesses. For people interested in expanding their  corporate venture in Singapore have to gone through a number of steps and processes to apply for an Entree pass that calls for Singapore Entrepreneur license.

Launched in 2004, the scheme has benefited innumerable industrialist and has provided them with an opportunity to promote their business here. But before contracting a company in a Singapore one has to apply for Entrepreneur Visa, once the visa application gets approved you are free to contract the desired company within a time span of 30 days. The business man can also apply for dependent visa for their spouses and children below the age of 21 years.

The first step taken to apply for this Business pass needs to check for your appropriateness in the license. If you have a corporate background and can bring innovative ideas to attract employees to work for your company. Your plan would be successful if you think of building a private firm with various corporate assistant rather than a sole running business. You should hold 30% share in the proposed idea and agree on paying $50,000 dollars to the state.

Firstly download the application form and submit the documents and minor details with it. The individuals above 21 age can apply for this executive warrant. Once submitted the application is checked by MOM and SPRING. MOM is ministry of Manpower however SPRING is standard productivity and innovative Singapore board. Firstly the application is submitted to MOM and this process requires 6-8 weeks.

After your acceptance by MOM you will be issued an approval note after which you have a 30 days’ time span to contact your desired company, open an account and complete the transaction of your share (keeping the mind that the company is not yet enrolled. After that you need to submit your registration proof from the company and need to deposit an amount of money for the state for issuing you a license to open business in Singapore before getting a final approval letter.

You are also evaluated for your medical status for the Enter Pass. You have to undergo a series of medical tests written in your approval letter. Go through the medical evaluation and get a medical report from any recognized hospital of your state or simply go through these tests after your arrival in Singapore, that’s up to your choice.

Once the final approval letter is issued to you are supposed to transfer your business with six months. Visa will be issued to business person on one entry basis. If you have submitted application for your dependents visa you can collect it simultaneously when you are receiving your Enter Pass.

If you require any help in the process you can login to imigration.sg. It aids you loads in the processes of various applications submitted to Singapore. Currently it is leading immigration company providing you with expert immigration consultant that will assist you in your travelling to Singapore as foreigner.

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