Migration To Singapore

Thursday 29 May 2014

Skilled Worker Pass Or S-pass

Singapore is a hot shot for people engaged in corporate world. The country provides innumerable opportunities for work employees that recently it has evolved as a professional attraction for apprentices. Individuals requiring a non executive post are eventually hired by companies in Singapore but the apprenticeship requires a work permit. 

 S Pass is basically an employment license like other work passes in Singapore; however S pass is for mid skilled workers, the workers include technicians or any authorized specialist. The people who are previously working on a monthly basis income of $1,800 are eligible to apply for this working license. The applicants are judged on the basis of their qualification, their past work experience, their skills in the respective field and their years of training. The qualification level is diploma holders with a certified degree.  

The technical courses will be consider in your credentials only if the course you attended was for 12 months , i.e. you need a year  credit hours of study  for its acceptance. If u are older in age than you should have greater work experience and high salary than other individuals to meet the eligibility criteria. There is a quota system for keeping S pass holders as working applies.

Every company can accept 15 % S pass holders for their services work and 20 % people with S warrant in other working sectors. Only technicians with a monthly salary of $4ooo can apply for their dependents i.e. spouses and children, however individuals with salary less than this cannot apply for dependents pass. In order to apply for permanent residence they need a work experience of 4-5 years in Singapore. They need to cancel their work license if they quit a job and are supposed to reapply for other work firm as a foreigner by leaving Singapore.

Immigration.sg is a leading company providing you with experts and consultants guiding you for processes that are required for employment s pass and Permanent residency. If any queries visit the website and benefits from it s favours.

Singapore Work Pass Requirements For Malaysian & Non-Malaysian Workers

Singapore is considered to be amongst the best employment hubs in the world, but getting there is not a piece of cake. Indeed, you have to earn your Singapore work pass or permit so that you can freely move around and work under secure conditions. Whether you are Malaysian worker or an expat, you have to select either of the options given by the government in the form of work permit. These permits vary on the basis of the tenure of stay and purpose mainly. Also, your wage would be the major determinant of the employment pass you would be getting.

On a general scale, employment passes are assigned to those who have earnings of more than 2800 SGD per month. However, work visas are given to those who earn on low scale.

General Requirements

For employment, age is checked as the first thing, minimum age is 16. However, Malaysian who apply for work permit must be under 58 years on age; whilst, other nationalities must not be more than 50 years when they apply. There are lots of other basic requirements that are to be fulfilled by the employee including:
·         Medical examinations
·         Provide upkeep
·         Maintenance
·         Eventual repatriation

Various Types of Work Permits

Employment passes is draft for those who are coming to Singapore for managerial positions; these include the executive positions and specialized jobs. In case you are an entrepreneur, or want to settle new business there, you would need a different entry pass.

EP- Employment Pass:

As mentioned before, EP is for all senior level management positions. They are further split into:
  • P1 EP for expats who earn a fixed monthly wage of 8,000 SGD
  • P2 EP for expats who earn fixed monthly wage of 4,500 SGD
  • Q1 EP is assigned to young graduates who have a minimum income of 3,000 SGD; or, it is also for other applicants who have higher monthly wages and years of work experience
These passes you cannot get until and unless your sponsor signs the agreement with you. Sponsor is basically the company or your well-settled Singaporean relatives.

PEP - Personalized Employment Pass

This I a special type of work permit; these include the following conditions:
·         Minimum of fixed SGD 18,000 salary in overseas employment
·         Have a P1 Pass, and minimum of SGD 12,000 each month
After 2012 December, the government has changed the minimum annual wage, and now it is between 34000 SGD to 144,000 SGD. This never indicates that Singaporean Government is not interested in making employment common. They have recently launched exclusive passes through which quality professionals can be called to the region for growth and development. 

If you wish to go to Singapore for work and do not have a proper lead or connection, simply keep away your worries. You can consultant the immigration specialist there and hold your worries to them. Under nominal charges you entire thing would be done. Consult them today - http://immigration sg/

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Major Services Provided by Immigration Consultancy

Nowadays, a large number of people migrate from one country to another in search of jobs, education and a better lifestyle. Literally millions of people move from one country to another every year. Some of them are for recreational purposes, but most of them to achieve their life goals. According to an estimate, 84% of the people who migrate take advice from immigration consultants. But what exactly are the major services provided by immigration consultancy? And to what extent does a consultancy prove to be fruitful while making a switch from one country to another? We shall discuss that, and much more in this article.

An immigration consultant has a job to make it easy for his client to apply for a VISA and make sure that he gets it as well. There are several phases in an immigration application like application submission, interview and booking of flights and services. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to go through all of these steps and there are many complications along the way as well. In such a situation, an immigration consultant comes in and saves the day. The biggest assistance done by immigration consultancy is helping an individual to get through unscathed without wasting much time through the procedure.

Very often, an application form becomes too big a problem for a person. The immigration application form has many clauses and paragraphs which are not easy to understand. As a consequence, an applicant has to go through a lot of struggle before finally filling out the complete form. In this situation, the immigration consultancy provides a major facility and helps an applicant to sort the form out. There are certain requirements of the form like getting it attested from an officer with certain credentials. A consultant can also refer you to such an officer for the attestation.

Another major advantage of an immigration consultancy is that consultants can help you out in legal matters as well. They have a good experience of working in the immigration field and have all the know-how of legal difficulties faced by people usually and can help you out to solve them if need be. They can also warn you of a particular problem which tends to rise up too often in a general immigration application, which can prove to be a significant help.

A key positive of an immigration consultancy is that it gives you access to certified, highly qualified and well-experienced officials who are able to sort out the immigration applications on daily basis. For them to solve all the applicants’ problems is no big deal at all and they master the art of filling out a convincing application form. Therefore, an immigration consultant comes in to help out an applicant by using his expertise which comes in handy and proves to be time saving as well.

Immigration.sg is a top immigration consultancy which has a great track record of preparing successful immigration applications and have all the highly qualified consultants required to do the job on daily basis.

Benefits of Work Pass Singapore

A work pass or work permit is a kind of permission given to foreign people by the government of a country so that they can get a job and work in that country. Countries like United Kingdom, Spain and France also require certain conditions before they can issue a foreigner, a work permit. There are many advantages of obtaining a work pass in Great Britain which include a fee education for children. Similarly, there are many benefits of work pass in Singapore as well. We are going to discuss all of them in detail in this article.

 The most expensive and important service in any country is healthcare. Catching various kinds of diseases are normal in every country of the world regardless of where it is situated in the world so an insurance that reliable healthcare services will be available to a person (and his family) comes in handy in any country across the globe. The biggest advantage of work permit in Singapore is the availability of an excellent health service. In fact, in any country, this is the most well appreciated part of a work pass.

Another advantage of Singapore work pass is that there are no deductions whatsoever from a foreigner’s salary. A person possessing a work permit in Singapore has the full salary at his disposal right from the start and there are no compulsory contributions which he has to make. Therefore, a foreigner has the complete right to his own money. But he can also enjoy the various insurance offers which are available for the Singapore nationals. So, a person having Singapore work permit has the complete independence of using his money whichever way he wants to.

Another important benefit of work permit in Singapore is that it ensures the total security of a person. So, in case of legal trouble, a foreigner has the full right to file a case against someone and sue him. So, a work permits offers you complete protection against any kind of threat and makes no discrimination in legal matters. Moreover, the country also provides lawyers free of cost to a foreigner in case he not able to cover the expenses of a lawsuit. So, work pass in Singapore helps to take care of the legal matters for an individual.

Another advantage of work permit in Singapore is that it helps a foreigner to find permanent residency as quickly as possible. The government of Singapore assigns a real estate agent to help a person find a home in a good locality. Finding a good house in a new country may prove to be very challenging but this service helps a foreigner to solve the problem at hand in a very short space of time. As a result, the problem of finding a new residence, as difficult a task as it is, does not become too much of a trouble.
Immigration.sg is a top traveling agency which offers the travelers all the required services which help them to feel at ease in a new country.

Monday 26 May 2014

Role Of Immigration Specialist In Getting Entrepreneur License

Singapore being a corporate hub has always drawn the attention of many business tycoons. It compels business professionals to stay and see their business flourish. Therefore there are a lot of individuals belonging to corporate background are interested in expanding their venture in Singapore. In order to do that, they have to pass a certain criteria to become eligible for applying in Singapore.  The steps and processes to apply for an Entree pass calls for Singapore Entrepreneur license. And for that you need help and whenever you need any assistance regarding traveling to a foreign state immigration specialist service is always a click far away.  Helping immigrants is the only topic of interest for an Immigration specialist .They are the greatest assistance for a person in getting label of permanent resident of any country.

The service of an exodus expert stands on the basic principle of honor and honesty. His competency and capability to work will reflect his integrity towards his profession.  He is supposed to maintain confidentiality with his client and keep his client anonyms to his other colleagues. He should be optimistic and his opinions and advices should be in the interest of his client. He should be aware of the fact that the guidelines which he will provide to his client will help him get the business pass.
The role that relocation specialist has to play is the act of a counsellor. He mentors his clients and makes sure that his client meets the legal requirements. 

His assistance is of great importance when it comes to receive a letter of approval for executive warrant. He tells you which important document or what recommendation can help you get approved by ministry of manpower Singapore. His endeavouring proficiency will let his client meet his desires. His knowledge and skills should be sufficient to understand the requisites of the state and also provides you with better method and approach. His eloquence and creative suggestion will help you in finding the firm that is better to do finance with.

The process that has to taken to become an entrepreneur visa holder is very complex and requires expert travelling advice and reinforcement. The immigration specialist provides you a strong legal back. His advices will aid you in getting your business through the foreign state by judicial and secure means .The state requires a deposit as an allowance to start business in its premises. This and other information is given by the immigration specialist.
However there lacks no conviction in the part an immigration consultant plays. His priority is his client and his aim is to make his patronage an eligible applicant for the entree pass. The immigration advisor also represents his client in an appeal if made against him.

So if you are applying for a entree pass in Singapore then Immigration.sg has best to offer you. Being the leading brand on stream to provide its users with immigration advisors, the site is gaining much popularity in its work.