Migration To Singapore

Monday 3 March 2014

Become a permanent resident of Singapore !

To become a permanent resident of Singapore is the dream of many because the society of the country is peaceful, standard of education is high, and health facilities are adequate. You can grow here with your family without any difficulty. Moreover, when you become a permanent resident of Singapore you can go everywhere and do whatever you like. You can also buy property and your children have access public education system of Singapore. In your job, you will get all the benefits, which are the right of every permanent citizen such as pension. In addition, after getting permanent residency you would not need to get new visas when you change a job. However, after obtaining permanent residency, you will have to follow government policies, for instance it will be compulsory for your sons to join military service at the age of 18. 

We can assure you of 100% success
We have helped thousands of people regarding process of application. Now they are prominent and prosperous citizens of Singapore. Usually, the process of application takes 6 to 12 months. The scheme is devised for the people who are living in Singapore at least for six months. Moreover, the applicant must be below 50 years of age. Obviously, people with higher qualification, professional skills and large capital are preferred. However, you should not be disappointed, if you lack something. Nonetheless, we can guide you properly and then we can put up your case in such a manner that there would not be any chance of refusal.

What advantages you can get after PR’s succession
You can have success with our expert help. Once you have succeeded in your PR application, you would win many advantages along with PR facility. Now you can stay in Singapore without any restrictions of visa. An identity card, which is known as Blue Card, will be given to you after obtaining permanent residency privilege. The Blue Card is the permit of freedom because now you are eligible to leave country and come again anytime.
Furthermore, after obtaining your permanent resident status, you become eligible for CPF (Central Provident Fund) scheme. You and your employer contribute the CPF and the accumulated amount is your pension fund. There are various advantages of CPF such as family protection, health care, and home-ownership. Moreover, by contributing through your salary in CPF, you also become eligible for tax relief. Similarly, you have some financial benefits after getting PR status. For example, you can borrow loans to buy property. 

The sooner, the better!
Naturally, we help all types of permanent resident seekers. Whether you are investor, entrepreneur, student or job seeker, our expert staffs is willing to help you at every level. In addition, you will save a large sum of money by contacting us because we charge nominally and we do not have any hidden charges. Our immigration guidelines are easy to follow and they have been very successful. We are sure that you would contact us soon because the sooner the better!

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