Migration To Singapore

Friday 28 March 2014

Singapore in 2014

Even in 2014, Singapore is an attractive place for working, investment and education. Although the restrictions from the government have improved significantly, yet they are for the greater benefits of the nation. Obviously, the new restrictions have made more difficult the obtainment of Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass and Visas. In addition, people do not know how to put forward their applications. Therefore, they usually consult with our Immigration consultancy service of Singapore. We are fulfilling their requirements successfully because we are the most prominent immigration consultancy servicein Singapore. However, sometimes people do not choose us and go to some other immigration services. Definitely, they come back to us when they get disappointed due to previous services’ poor performance and heavy fee. Do not you think that if you come to immigration consultancy service in your first attempt, you would save a large amount? On the contrary, you pay the first service and then come to us.

Suggestions and our introduction
To save you from great financial loss, we are putting forth some suggestions and by studying and implying them you can save your time and precious money. In the first part, we would present a brief introduction of our immigration consultancy service and then some other suggestions that can help you to compare us with other our competitors.
For our valued clients, our services have been remarkable and highly successful. Our record of accomplishments is astonishingly great and definitely matches with our skills. Why people select us it is not a surprise because several our previous clients have recommended us to their acquaintances. Logically, people always look forward that someone can tell them about a trusted and hones immigration consultancy service.

Our propositions
ü  Capability: The selected company must be capable of fighting your case proficiently. If the company would not be capable, it would not take interest after receiving their advance fee
ü  Practice:  Noticeably, a new company cannot give you the desired results because they do not have any experience of previous practice. Similarly, some older companies still do not know how to satisfy their clients.
ü  Licensed: To have a license is a prerequisite to perform immigration consultancy. You should always check the licence of the chosen consultancy
ü  Commitment: Only committed immigration consultancy companies can have the ability to follow up your case consistently.

Other factors
For the approval of PR application and other passes, various factors can affect your application such as if you have a family relationship in Singapore then your case is strong. If you have been donating in any social welfare organization of Singapore or doing any type of volunteering work you have higher chances. Your financial status, salary, the firmness of your job, and the time period of your stay in Singapore can help in the approval of your applications.
However, we cannot give all the relevant information in this tiny article; therefore, it is better to contact us as early as possible because it would increase your chances of winning.

Come Singapore and become prosperous!

If you are interested in working in another country then Singapore is a good option. Moreover, you can get help from Immigration consultancy service to obtain your goal. Our Immigration consultancy service is a known and recognized consultancy of Singapore. Recently, we gathered data about foreigners who are interested to relocate in Singapore for better jobs, good education or business investment. In the current article, we will provide the information that we collected. We assume that you can learn from it about Singapore, and the education standard. Obviously, in the present article, we are specifically focusing on education and Singapore.

The impact of Global Recession on Singapore
Even though the global economic recession of 2008 also hit Singapore like other countries of the world. Despite that it suffered less due to its stable economical conditions and very soon overcame the setback of financial recession. Now, Singapore has achieved an excellent place in world economy. Although the country has a few natural resources, yet it has determination, hard work and desire to excel other countries by making Singapore an ideal country of the world.

Why do Asian People like Singapore?
Usually, Asian people prefer Singapore over Europe and America because their life style, religion, culture and food are extremely different from Asian countries. On the contrary, Singapore already has countless Chinese, Indians, Malays, Arabs, and Pakistanis etc. The presence of so many people of different countries, different religions, and different cultures has made Singapore a heterogeneous country. Thus, it becomes the first choice for other Asian countries’ people.

The Excellent Standard of Singapore’s Education
Different countries of the world and people quote the education standard of Singapore because they think it is the best education center. Everything related to education has been developed after a thorough plan because the planners have the knowledge of the type of education, the purpose of the education and well aware where they will be placed after the completion of the education. Several scientific, technical and research institutes are working in Singapore. Similarly, various business and accounting institutes are imparting education. It does not mean that art such as; drama, photography, poetry and other related subjects have been neglected. Either they are being taught separately or they are the part of scientific and business education.
Therefore, the standard of education is the highest in Singapore as compare to other Asian countries. Asian students prefer to study in Singapore because they like the education standard, the proximity to their own country, the similar culture and easy communication through the English Language. They not only study in Singapore but also they can work to meet their expenses. Immigration consultancy service has helped countless students to obtain visas.

If you are a student then you would like to study in Singapore. Our Immigration consultancy service would love to guide in the process. After the accomplishment of the task, we would celebrate together.

How can you win your Entrepreneur Pass?

We, the Immigration consultancy service of Singapore has decided to facilitate foreigners such as job seekers, students and investors with significant information about Employment Pass, Student Visas and Entrepreneur Pass Application. In the current article, we will define the process of Entrepreneur Pass Application approval. We hope that after reading it, you would be able to apply with confidence. However, you can contact Immigration consultancy service, if you have any issue or misconception.

What to do in the beginning
Being a foreigner, you can take advantages from Entrepreneur Pass scheme. In this regard, before incorporating any Singaporean organization, you can forward an Entrepreneur Pass application and after the outcome of your application, you would have to submit the fee of incorporation. Subsequently, when your application is approved, you would have a buffering time of 30 days to invest the allocated amount by investing in shares within the proposed incorporated company.

What other advantages you would have
After the approval of application and your investment in the shares, you would become eligible to bring your children and spouse but the male children should be less than 21 years of age. Then you can apply for their Dependent Pass. Noticeably, now you are also eligible for permanent residence in Singapore.

The qualifying criteria
1.      To apply for Entrepreneur Pass, your age should be 21 or greater
2.      $50,000 is the minimum paid up amount to the company
3.      You must have minimum 30% share holdings in any business
4.      For entrepreneur pass you must have previous background or experience
5.      You want to settle in Singapore because you want to manage your business there but your business should be very unique in nature and local people can get jobs in your innovative business
6.      An approved application from Singaporean recognized bank and you will have to provide $3,000 bank guarantee
7.      You are being sponsored by a well-established Singaporean Company
8.      From an angel investor or a third party Venture Capital qualified by Singaporean Government Agency, the company should receive monetary fund or investment of at least $100,00
9.      The Company must have an Intellectual Property that can be registered and verified by national Intellectual Property Institution
10.  The Company must have an incessant partnership with any Singaporean institution that has been recognized by A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology, and Research) or Institute of Higher Learning in Singapore.
 11. The Company should be at a Singapore Government supported incubator

If you are an entrepreneur, you have been provided relevant and important information regarding your application process. We are sure, if you keep in mind all these details prior to apply and try to complete all the missing requirements, you would be successful. Nonetheless, do not worry, if you have still some worries because in that case our Immigration consultancy service would love to help you.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Top Jobs in Singapore

There was a time when people think that the coolest place for working and investment were Tokyo and Hong Kong. However, recently in a survey, which has been conducted by immigration consultancy service of Singapore, we discovered that people were wrong in their assumption. In another international survey, the rank of Singapore was above Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London.

During the survey, 39 aspects have been evaluated. Some of them are personal freedom, sanitation, health, currency exchange, crime, and political stability. Our immigration consultancy service thinks that you might not believe our words; therefore, you will have to experience it yourself. The size of the country is not more than 270 square miles, despite this tiny size, the country is among the top most advanced countries. Moreover, not only it is the smallest country in Asia it is also the youngest country in Southeast Asia. Besides, in accordance with the statement of Overseas Security Advisory Council, Singapore is in crime-free zone; therefore, even the Europeans and Americans want to live and to work in Singapore.

What do you know about Singapore? 
Even if you are not planning to become a permanent resident of Singapore, you must visit Singapore because the beauty, weather, cleanliness, and friendly behavior of people would definitely win your heart. Then you would surely change your mind! Do you know Singapore has the fastest Internet in the world? Do you know most of the people speak English Language in Singapore? Do you know Singapore has the cleanest drinking water system in the world?
We think if you do not want to do any job in Singapore then you do not know about Singapore. If you live in Asia, you can reach Singapore within seven hours. We hope we have clarified several of your reservations and misunderstanding about Singapore. Therefore, it is assumed that very soon, you would decide to visit Singapore for visiting, investment, working or living.

List of important jobs and their salaries
The immigration consultancy service of Singapore is providing a list of some important professions and expected salary. We are sure; the list would help you to compare your current salary with the possible salary you can earn in Singapore.
Top Jobs in Singapore

Fund Manager (from $12,500 - $22,400 annually)

Surgeons and Physicians (from $8,000 to $12,000 monthly)

Editor (from $6,500 to $7,500 monthly)

Advertising (from $8,800 to $11,500 annually)

Booker's and Futures Traders (approximately $7,500 monthly)

Research and Development Manager (from $7,500 and $8,500 monthly)

Clerks, Advocates, Legal - Lawyers (from $7,000 - $8,500 monthly)

Flight Inspector or Commercial Airline Pilot (from $9,500 to $20,000 annually)

Computer and Information Systems Manager (from $6,500 to 7,500 monthly)

Banking, Business Management Consultant (from $6,500-$7,500 monthly)

We are sure, you would find better salary prospect in Singapore as compare to your own country. If you would satisfy with our provided justification, you can contact any time our immigration consultancy service. We will help you in your efforts to find a better job in Singapore and for your documentation process.

Wow Singapore it the tastiest and Safest place to live and enjoy life!

No one can understand Singapore in days or in a month. For better understanding of the atmosphere of culture and behavior of people, you would have to live in Singapore at least three years. After spending three years, you would start feeling safe and level of your familiarity with the important aspects of the country would develop. Definitely, then you would start calling it ‘home. ‘Many people come to immigration consultancy service that is one of the best immigration consultancy services in Singapore to develop their confidence and to make sure that they would be able to adjust in the new environment with new people.
We tell them what specialty the country has and what facilities they can get after obtaining PR status. Immigration consultancy service would love to describe all the details about Singapore for our other audiences.

The variety of Food
 New York and Sans Francisco claim that they are the combination of several cultures and therefore have different types of food restaurants. However, in our view their claim is not justifying because Singapore is offering more variety of restaurants, despite its tiny size. Moreover, in US, you cannot find Southeast Asian cuisines as easily as you can in Singapore. In addition, the taste is almost as similar as the home country; you would not find any shade of Singapore in foreign restaurants. Therefore, sometimes to decide to go Thai, Mexican or Indian restaurants becomes difficult.

The highest standard of cleaning
Food is not the only specialty of Singapore, many attractive features and safety measures that attract you to live and work in Singapore. For instance, Singapore is a clean and safe country. Singapore has become the finest example of cleanliness; you cannot imagine any dirt or garbage on the streets of Singapore. There are strict restrictions against dumping garbage everywhere and an adequate and modern system of collecting and dumping the garbage is being implemented in Singapore. Therefore, the environment is healthy and bad-smell free.

The high security and pleasant environment for your kids
The other most important thing is security. In other countries, people do not allow their children to come alone or by walking from school due to the fear of kidnapping. However, in Singapore you cannot even imagine the act of kidnapping. Thus, many children come from their school on foot and can move freely anywhere.

The immigration consultancy service of Singapore has presented some interesting and important qualities of Singapore. However, there are numerous others, but we cannot define them here due to space shortage. Nonetheless, we will talk about them in any other article. Absolutely, feel free to contact us, if you cannot wait longer, we would like to tell you every interesting thing about Singapore. In addition, we will guide you, if you would be interested to take advantages of all of these facilities and want to taste some delicious foods. No matter where you live, we are not far away from you.

Monday 17 March 2014

Can you challenge our point of view?

There is a question, which surfaced recently on social media “If you hate the job you are doing at your home country and you would offer the similar job in another country what would you do?” The question seems simple and emotionally its answer should be “No, I would not accept the similar job, which I hate in another country.” However, our immigration consultancy service would advise you to grab that opportunity quickly! We can give you logical reasons for our surprising advice.

It is a foreign country
Clearly, you are in a new country; thus, you can have new experiences, can learn innovative things, and can meet different people. Therefore, you should not care about the nature of job just enjoy new life and atmosphere.

Working in a new country
Although you are in a new country, yet you have the job security. Apart from above mentioned advantages, you receive a regular pay. You can save a lot of money there. Our immigration consultancy service thinks you should grab the opportunity.

Now you have more option for travelling
When you start working in a new country that is far away from your own country, you have chances to travel more inexpensively. For instance, if you are living in China or India and you are working in Singapore then you can easily travel to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand etc. Not only it is easy to travel in many countries but also it is cheap and exciting. Moreover, if your travel agent can plan your travel efficiently then you can have various stopovers during your every journey. Thus, when you work in another country, you have the chance to get more stamps of different countries in your passport.

New lifestyle
In addition, living in a new country can open to enjoy different lifestyle. Thence, we have to forget all those previous habits, which we have at our home country. Obviously, not all the people of the world live like your country. Clearly, this is a different experience but not bad.

New life new challenges
Due to psychological fears, we do not want to leave our old routines; moreover, we are frightened to try new experiences because we think that we may not meet the standard among other people. Thus, you can accept new challenges in a foreign country. Logically, there is no concept of success, failure and humiliation.

Immigration consultancy service is sure that you would enjoy our above comments. We also hope that you would agree with our point of view, which is based on rational conclusions. We invite you to contact with our immigration consultancy, if you have anything to add or you are against our perspective. Definitely, we will enjoy and answer your arguments, positively. We are the best immigration consultancy service in Singapore.

To leave your country permanently is a tough decision

Usually, people cannot decide easily about moving in another country permanently. The decision to leave your mother country, to set apart with your culture, to go far away from your relatives, and to adjust in another country is significantly difficult. However, why do some people leave their own country? Obviously, the reasons are clear:

When people go to another country they assess more job opportunities, standard of jobs, and better wages are the crucial factors that help in taking such a critical decision. Moreover, in many countries the organizations make their workers to work more than eight hours because the workers are not legally registered. Thus, the workers are highly exploited and they think that they do not have any right. Similarly, due to huge population in their own country they do not find suitable jobs. Thus, the most significant element for moving in another country is work element, job environment, and rights.
People do not find good educational institute in their own country and want to study in a foreign and recognized institute, college and university.
People who are not happy with the political instability of the country because it is harmful for the development of their businesses

People who have relatives in a foreign country

People who want to enjoy life, modern technology, freedom of speech and interaction with different people

Why do you fear?
Thus, according to analysis of immigration consultancy service of Singapore everyone has a different reason when he/she wishes to settle in another country. However, despite the greatest temptation several people avoid to settle in another country due to their emotional attachments. Nonetheless, you have to set priorities, if without leaving your country you cannot earn good money, you cannot get better education, or due to political unrest, you fear that your investment would waste in your own country. Then you have no other option to move away from your country and to settle in another country. Nonetheless, to settle in another country permanently is not as easy as it is imagined. Being a rational person, you would have to evaluate all the measures such as suitable country, what you would do there, how much money you have, in which college you would get admission and how would you supplement your income during education. If you were a business person, you would think regarding the security of your investment in another country and in which industry you would invest.

Fortunately, these are not problems anymore now, because without any hesitation you can select Singapore as your likely destination. The country facilitates every immigrant profoundly. If you are a student, then there are several colleges and you can work in your spare time. If you are a worker then there are many job opportunities and if you are an investor then you can invest in Singapore without any fear. Your investment will be safe and grow significantly.
Our immigration consultancy service would look after all other legal issues. You just need to contact to our immigration consultancy service as quick as possible. After studying and evaluation of your case, we would guide you in the right direction. Obviously, you would achieve your goal within months.

Singapore is the last and an adequate place for Asian Immigrants

Everybody knows that the meanings of immigration are to from one place to another place permanently by residing in another place or country. Apparently, the topic of immigration has been discussed widely and researched extensively. According to the statistic of the last five years, around 40 million people have moved in another country. Thus, for some countries people from another country and their regular arrival has become a big issue for local workers. Therefore, nowadays not all countries welcome a new comer warmly. Moreover, they have restricted the arrival of foreign workers and job seekers through legislation.

The critics of immigration
It may be a happy occasion for critics of migration or for those who does not like the arrival of foreigners in their country. The critics claim that the foreigner workers occupy vacant jobs because they are preferred as they accept fewer wages. In addition, the immigrants are the cause of tax money drainage due to social services. Nonetheless, the critics of immigrants do not understand or neglect that these foreign workers agree to work those jobs, which the native do not accept. Thus, they are making less burdensome the pressure of producers and consumers by filling up those unacceptable jobs. Thence, they are working for the development of the economy. Similarly, the workers accept fewer wages and indirectly benefit the consumer. The question is who is the consumer? The legislator, the critics and the public are the consumers. If the immigrants are facilitating the local consumers why they have been criticizing so harshly.  Likewise, by producing the goods on lower costs becomes the reason for extra profits. This is a win-win condition because consumers are taking advantages of low-costs products and business persons are accumulating profits through rapid sales.

Do not lose hope!
However, some countries like Singapore are still accepting and welcoming foreigners tremendously. The country warmly welcomes every worker, professional, student, and investor.
Mostly, Asians want to migrate to Europe and America because they think they are the only options. Obviously, millions of them and their applications have been rejected so far. For them, our migration consultancy has a suggestion why do not you select Singapore as a right option.
If you have applied for other countries and got disappointed, now you have an adequate and possible chance to apply in Singapore for job, education and business investment. Our immigration consultancy service would love to help you.

Our immigration consultancy can facilitate you in the following: 
In acquiring, the Employment Pass 
In obtaining, a student visa and in selecting a good institute 
In choosing a business sector and all the documentation and filing the case 
Definitely, our help means 100% success because we are the best immigration consultancy service in Singapore. We have a credible record of success and a long list of our successful clients. There is no doubt that you will consider our suggestions very soon!

Wednesday 12 March 2014

How can you take advantage of different immigration schemes of Singapore?

In accordance with our immigration consultancy service’s knowledge, there are various normal schemes available for a foreigner to apply for a Singapore Permanent Resident. Almost every way and pass leads to PR. However, the following are more relevant and must be studied carefully, if you are interested in becoming permanent resident of Singapore:

FIS: Financial Investor Scheme, this is for high net-worth persons
Foreign Artistic Talent Scheme: This scheme is designed purposefully for top-class people of particular arts

GIP: Global Investor Program, investors and entrepreneur can take advantage with this scheme

PTS: Professional/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers Scheme, this is for people who have employment pass, already working in Singapore

You will have to follow the requirements
Each scheme has its own rules and requirements. The approval process for SPR application has become more stringent as the country tightens its criteria for granting permanent residence and professional assistance should be sought when applying. Moreover, every scheme has different requirements and rules. Singapore has tightened the process or criteria for PR applications; thus, the approval process PR application has become lengthy and tiring. You cannot proceed without professional help like our immigration consultancy service. We have the knowledge and expertise to lighten your burden and to share your difficulties.

You can have the following benefits

We will help you to achieve success. Obviously, after achieving success or winning your objectives you will be entitled for the following benefits:
Healthcare facility: In Singapore, the healthcare system consists of private and public healthcare. A permanent resident of Singapore has to pay subsidized fee at public hospitals and government outpatient clinics as compare to a non-resident. Moreover, being a PR you also become eligible for national insurance scheme and medical savings benefits.

Schooling for children: According to the education system of Singapore Permanent Resident Students have to pay subsidized fee in public schools in contrast to foreign students. However, keep in mind even if your parents have a PR status and you do not have it, you will be regarded as a foreigner.

Emigrants, according to Residential Property Act of Singapore, can have non-restricted properties such as condominium apartments. Emigrants and Permanent Residents who are interested to buy restricted properties like landed properties; vacant land etc will need the permission of Singapore Land Authority. However, a permanent resident has a right to buy from resale market but emigrants do not have this permission.


We have shown you a clear picture regarding the advantages of PR status. We hope that you would evaluate all the fact accurately and then you will contact us because we are the best immigration consultancy service of Singapore. We do not know in what capacity you want to apply, for instance, we do not have knowledge whether you are a student, job seeker or investor; therefore, you must bring your case to our expert’s consideration. Definitely, after the study of your case, we can guide you more precisely. If you are in Singapore then you can call us or our staff will reach you quickly.

Free Assessment of Immigration Consultancy Service a great advantage

Specifically, people from Asia are highly interested to obtain the status of PR or citizenship of Singapore. Chinese, Indians etc all are keen but do not know from where to get help. Nevertheless, it is very easy. The following article will help you understand some of the important dimensions of PR and citizenship of Singapore. Moreover, you will understand to who you should contact for further assistance.

Our expertise and assessment 

Immigration Consultancy Service is the most known service in Singapore. It is a leading authority on Visas, and in acquiring different passes. Moreover, Immigration Consultancy Service put forth for businesses corporate immigration solutions and also tackles cases for individuals’ visas. You can join the countless people who seek help from our immigration consultancy; you just need to click the free assessment. We make sure that the process of your immigration to Singapore will finish successfully and you will obtain a permanent resident status in Singapore through our expert help.

You can start your journey of free assessment from here by following an effective and fast guide regarding permanent immigration to Singapore. Definitely, one of the most two important way to permanent immigration to Singapore is citizenship and PR. However, to obtain permanent immigration for Singapore, you must be eligible or meet the following criteria:

You can qualify for Singapore immigration, if you are willing to invest in Singapore. In that case, you will have to invest a fixed amount
Connection of a family can also help you to get permanent resident status in Singapore. If your father is a permanent resident or citizen of Singapore and you are below 21 years, you can be eligible for PR. Similarly, if you are a permanent resident of Singapore or citizen, your aged parents may also be entitled for PR status.
Likewise, a P,Q or S pass holders workers can also be eligible for permanent immigration of Singapore. In this regard, you can get more information from our website.
However, there other special criteria where Singapore may allow you to obtain PR status. You can get help from our free assessment to guide you in this regard

How to obtain Citizenship

For obtaining Singaporean citizenship, there are three possible situations:
A child born in another country can be eligible for citizenship, if it has at least one Singaporean parent
The wife or husband of a Singapore citizen can be eligible for the citizenship, if the period of their stay in Singapore and marriage are more than two years
Under Singapore immigration laws, people that are below 21 years of age and have been living in Singapore for at least 2 and maximum six years or more may be eligible for citizenship


Nonetheless, there are special criteria and circumstance where you can apply for Singapore immigration. You may contact Immigration Consultancy Service of Singapore for more clarification. Our staff will help you, if you ask for free assessment. After contacting us, you will feel comfortable and relax because we are the best immigration consultancy service of Singapore.

Foreigners, job seekers, students and investors and the integrity of Singapore

Several countries of the world envy Singapore due to its central location in Asia, Seaport, and the existence of peaceful multi-cultural environment. Some of them have also tried to disturb the peace and integrity of the peace. However, the government and the people of the country have been a great hurdle between bad-wishers’ attempts.

Be careful

Singapore always welcomes the foreigners without considering that they may have bad intentions and wrong purpose. However, the process of assessment has been made very precise to funnel all the bad elements. Our immigration consultancy is along with the government for the achievement of this objective. We always advice out clients to tell the truth and never try to deceive the government. A truth is much better than the false statement that can cause you punishment or sentence. On one hand, it would ruin your future; on the other hand, it would become a bad reputation for your own native country. Obviously, then all the other people will be observed with similar perspective.

As we all know that Singapore is the country of diversity and various languages, religions, cultures, and traditions. Although there live a vast quantity of Chinese and Malays, yet Indians are 9% of the whole country. Most of them permanent residents and citizens and they are the third largest national of Singapore. Among all the countries of the world Singapore is one of the countries where Indians are residing.

Singapore and Indians 

Most of the Indians came here as young workers, convicts and soldiers and several of them were brought by the British as Britain was ruling both the countries India and Malay. Nonetheless, in 20th century a young community of Indians emerged as an important part of Singapore.
Therefore, the new Indians want to settle in Singapore. They see the country as their second home country. Likewise, the Singaporean government also encourages the Indians to come and live in the country permanently.

Indians can get help from us 

Our immigration consultancy service has helped several Indians in obtaining Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass and Students’ visas. We have also encouraged several investors to invest in Singapore in different business sectors. It has been the objective of our immigration consultancy service to make Singapore a universal country, a country where all the races can live happily and peacefully.


Now if you think that you are clear and have good intentions then no one can stop you to become a permanent resident of Singapore. Our immigration consultancy service will help you and lead you in the right direction. We think that this makes clear that we have no desire to charge you heavily because we love our country and we have respect for it. Therefore, come to us with truth and honesty and we will show how you can get Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass and Student Visas. We offer several services to know all about them either you will have to call us or you will have to visit our website. Your PR is just a call away!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Invest, study and work in Singapore

People from all over the world go Singapore because immigrants who come to Singapore receive all the luxuries of life such as quality education, high-class health care facilities, tax relaxation, healthy and stable political atmosphere. In addition, a large number of attractive opportunities can easily find in Singapore. Although government is offering various opportunities to immigrants, yet it is not ignoring its own people. Obviously, these people are getting better jobs in new companies of immigrants; thus, they are improving their lives and standards.

Moreover, to look after the Asian market and to expand business in Asia, Singapore is a central place. Several international companies have moved their businesses to Singapore because they do not want to lose business in Asia. Logically, the country has a growing market. Organizations are targeting China and India for their business’s growth. From Singapore, you can easily monitor your business partners in China and India.
Our immigration consultancy service thinks that you cannot find a country as beneficial as Singapore. It is the most important seaport of Asia and you can easily import and export from here.

Study in Singapore
Our immigration consultancy can prove that you can easily acquire the finest education in Singapore. Moreover, to study in a foreign university is a dream of countless students because it can transform their academic and professional future perspective; thus, to develop an excellent career foreign education is the best option. If you can qualify to obtain a student visa, you would have many advantages because this visa facilitates you to study in any educational institution in Singapore.

Moreover, this visa also allows you to work while studying and this provide you an opportunity to supplement your income. However, the working hours are restricted during study. Nonetheless, during vacation you can work as much as you like. Similarly, being a student you have a better chance to become a permanent resident of Singapore because you have advantage over other immigrants as you are studying in Singapore and know various aspects of procedures and life style of the country.

A suitable location for work
To acquire new skills and expertise people like to work in another country. Thus, they understand the international work culture. In this scenario, Singapore is an ultimate location for starting a job or new job. Some other factors that make the life satisfy are all in Singapore. Furthermore, to work in Singapore is easy, as Work Visas are developed to help the foreigners. These Work Visas help in acquiring a work permit and subsequently the work.

We think we have defined all the three aspects: Invest in Singapore, Study in Singapore and Work in Singapore adequately. Now, it is up to you to take a decision that can transform your life and future successfully. Immigration consultancy service is always there to help you to make a quick decision. If you feel, our description of circumstances are based on truth, you can contact us anytime because we are the best immigration consultancy services in Singapore.

The journey of happiness and economic prosperity, Singapore

The top immigration consultancy services of Singapore has conducted a research about Singapore, its past, people and culture and tried to prove that Singapore is a better place for living as it is a good example of multi-culture atmosphere, which is in presence for more than a century.

Singapore is the country of diversity
You can find Indian, Chinese and Malay people in Singapore. These three cultural and ethnic backgrounds mostly exist in Singapore. Moreover, the dominating past of Britain has also left significant marks on the soil of Singapore. The most important hallmark is English Language. Others are some cultural and governance aspects. However, despite hundred years of British domination, Singapore still has Asian values and outlook. All of the Singaporeans prefer ethical and moral values to anything. The concept of society and community is highly important for Singaporeans, although it is not considered as crucial in national welfare. Family and values are very important in Singapore. Similarly, to give respect to elders and then individuals is mandatory in the society. You can view classic example of multi-culture by observing practices of members of dissimilar religions, races and cultures. This depicts that people want social order and economic growth of the nation rather than personal freedom.

What you may not know about Singapore
The country mainly focusing on refining imported goods and export. Moreover, the economy of the country is based on highly-developed knowledge. In our view, many people do not know that Singapore obtains the large share of the global market for equipment and oil refinery.

Why do we in need of people?
The country due to the rapid pace of growth is facing the shortage of labour. Definitely, countless people have taken part in the outstanding development of the country. However, now they have spent their working lives. Moreover, another issue is un-productivity due to less interest of people.

The most attractive country for your investment
Furthermore, Singapore is an ideal place for your investment. Your investment will be safe and secure and will grow significantly very soon. You can invest as low as S$50,000 and there are no restrictions on the maximum investment. In addition, there is a long list of sectors where you can invest after fulfilling all the important requirements.

Our immigration consultancy service is working in Singapore for many years. Our past record of accomplishment is remarkable. We have helped thousands of people for acquiring Entrepreneur Pass, Employment Pass and Student Pass. They are all working and living happily in Singapore. Several of them have achieved PR status and many of them have become citizens of Singapore. We are determined to do well for the best interest of our country because the development of our country is our development. We want you to share with us and go along with us towards the destination of prosperity, harmony, faith, love, and quality of life.

The country of Singapore welcomes you!

The Chinese people have some relations with China. The two countries are friend prior to the October 1949, when China got freedom. The time was not good for Chinese people they were poor and in deteriorating conditions and usually migrate to Singaporean Port in search of jobs and Singapore was being ruled by British as it was the part of Malaya. Singapore had developed diplomatic relation with China prior to independence from Britain and separation from Malaysia.

The relation of Singapore with China
Chinese have ancestral relations in Singapore as Chinese people had started working on the Seaport of Singapore before the independence. Therefore, Chinese people are highly interested to settle in Singapore. They want to meet with their relatives and have a desire to live with them. Singapore government is also enthusiastic to invite all foreigners including Chinese. The government has made various laws to make the procedures of immigration and visa policy easy. It has been trying to motivate foreign investors, workers and education seekers to come and live in Singapore, as it is highly beneficial for the future interest of the country. Obviously, a multi-cultural society already exists in Singapore before the independence. Thence, to adjust new guests among old citizens is not a difficult task. In addition, the native of Singapore are very friendly, loving, and accommodating.

Singapore Welcomes
Whether you belong to China, India, or any other Asian country Singapore always welcomes you. Even if you are European or American or Australian you are invited cordially. Our immigration consultancy services are always at your disposal. We are one of the best and trustworthy immigration consultancy services of Singapore.

Our Immigration Consultancy is designed to help you
Our immigration consultancy services are providing the following important information to make your travel of Singapore pleasant and enjoyable. Clearly, if you read and memorize the following information, you would not face any difficulty regarding Entrepreneur Pass Application approval and filing. The entrepreneurs who are keen and ready to start a new venture of business in Singapore can take advantage of the facility of Entrepreneur Pass. It has been designed specifically for them. It is mandatory that you must meet the required criteria. Kindly read the given information.
All the applicant must have at least 30% of the company shares
The business must operate legally and restricted to the local policies
Your company must able to show minimum S$50,000 paid-up-capital. In this regard, a documentary proof will be required that is in shape of a bank statement from a Singapore-based company bank account and for verification at least S$50,000 will be needed.
Your company must be a Private Limited Company that is registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulate Authority. However, there is no requirement to registered first; nonetheless, if the company registered the registration date should not be more than six months from your date of application

However, apart from the above-mentioned requirements there are various other details and requirements. For further information and details you can call us, we assure you that we will provide you every piece of information to make your journey stress free.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Information about Assessment and investment sectors for the investment in Singapore

According to our immigration consultancy services, the significance of assessment cannot be neglected for approval. Therefore, we are providing you the following important information. This attempt will help you greatly in your journey to become a PR in Singapore.
Obviously, if we provide some information regarding immigration policies and assessment, they will be authentic and reliable because we are the top notch immigration consultancy services in Singapore.

The Contact Singapore
 The Contact Singapore after the receiving of all important documents will process your application. You will receive an AIP (Approval-in-Principal) PR (Permanent Residence, which is valid for 6 months, status from ICA (Checkpoints Authority) and Singapore immigration. After the receipt of your AIP PR status, you will have to make your investment within the period of six months. In accordance with the selected investment option, the quantum of investment can be S$2.5 million. The amount should be forwarded from your personal bank account from a registered bank of Singapore. Clearly, the account ought to be solely on your name. After the completion of the investment process, you will have to submit evidence of your investment to Contact Singapore.
You will submit for evidence bank statements that the investment has been made through your personal account from a registered bank of Singapore and the certificates of your shares. Then, for 5 years, Contact Singapore will hold these documents.

Option A
According to Option A, you will have to submit the audited financial statements at the end of the second, third and fourth year of your investment, if you have selected expansion of an existing business or investing in a new business. After the receipt of the documentary evidence, the ICA and Singapore immigration authority will issue a final approval of PR. Subsequently, from the date of your investment, you will need to formalize the status of your PR within 12 months.
We are providing below the list of investment sectors that is approved for Option A
1.    Engineering Services
2.    Energy
3.    Water and Environment Technology
4.    Electronics
5.    Chemicals
6.    Automotive
7.    Alternative Energy
8.    Aerospace Engineering
9.    Consumer Business
10.  Education
11.  Family Office
12.  Lifestyle, Product and Services such as Sports, Visual Arts and Performing Arts
13.  Professional Services
14.  Precision Engineering
15.  Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
16.  Nanotechnology
17.  Medical Technology
18.  Media and Entertainment
19.  Safety and Security
20.  Marine and Offshore Engineering
21.  Space
22.  Healthcare
If you are planning to invest in Singapore, you must have sufficient information about the Contact Singapore and Options; moreover, you must read thoroughly Option A and related documents. In addition, you will have to select an industry according to your expertise and experience for the investment. Definitely, this little effort would make journey pleasant. Our immigration consultancy services are working hard to provide you all the relevant information. We are striving to provide best services to our valued clients and information seekers.

The Singaporean government motivates the investors to settle in the country

Several immigration services are working in Singapore. These comprise of staff that has experience of government policies and is well aware of all the processes, procedures, filing and technical or legal aspects of documentation. Rationally, they follow the government policies because the higher authorities of the country are watching them. Moreover, the officials of government direct these companies regarding their work; therefore, the government always inform them about any new changes. These immigration consultancy companies always set some type of preventive measure to avoid any wrong doing or loss to their own country or their clients.
Singapore is not a very big country and it has thin population. Since, its freedom and separation Singapore has developed significantly, but there is still a long way to go or to achieve social, economical and educational goals. Consumption, production and investment are influenced by changes, population size and structure. Likewise, there is a strong association between kinship ties, community development and social networking. Policy makers, academia, businesses, and planners take advantage for their better understanding from emerging trends and demographic forces. Therefore, Singapore needs people who can develop the country and help to achieve all the goals quickly.

Steps and facilities for investors
The government of Singapore seeing the need and importance of foreign workers and investors has implemented effective policies and programs to attract more foreigners. Specifically, investors are highly encouraged to apply for PR. In this regard, the government has launched the GIP (Global Investor Programme).
Therefore, in the current article we assume that you are an investor and keen to invest or initiate a business in Singapore. However, through the Global Investor Programme you can easily apply for Singapore Permanent Residence. 

Options for Investment
From one of the following options, you can select your investment options:
A.    You will have to invest minimum $$2.5 million for the expansion of an existing business or starting a new business
B.    Or you will have to invest minimum S$2.5 million in Singapore based companies following the GIP 1 investment Programme

Eligibility criteria
If you have the following, you can be eligible for PR under GIP
    A reliable, unbeaten record of business
    A considerable record of business

For GIP Application evaluation criteria
A.    You will have to produce audited financial statement for the last three years of your company and you must have business and entrepreneurial track record of three years
B.    If you are doing the business of construction or real estate the turnover of the company should be minimum S$200 million per year during last three years
a.    If you are not in construction or real estate business that your turnover should be minimum S$50 million in the current and most latest year. Similarly, it should be S$50 million for the previous three years on average.
b.    You will have to submit the financial statement of your company and you will have to proof that you are able to meet the least criteria of turnover.
C.    Likewise, if you are in a private business, your shareholding must be 30% within the company. Your designation and importance in the company will be considered
We are sure the information that has been provided through our immigration consultancy services will be valuable for you. You may contact us for further clarification.

Which is the best country to obtain education economically ?

First, people look for Europe and America to go there and get better education but get disappoint when they observe visa hurdles and huge expenses. In Asia, normally people of India, China, Pakistan, Turkey and various other countries go to Singapore for better education. The question is why Singapore is chosen. What specialties it has. To understand and to answer these and other questions, we will have to go through the history of Singapore.

A nation that is not more than 50 years old has achieved great hall mark among great nations of the world. Singapore was not as successful at the time of freedom. It was just an undeveloped economy. However, now it has become a known business centre of Asia and a prominent leader in quality education. People and countries have been keen to know how such a tiny country can achieve so much within a time span of 50 years.
When British left the country the country was a part of Malaysia; however, in 1965 it separated from Malaysia. Nonetheless, at the time of British rule the country was become a developed seaport and during this period various ships went from Singapore to China, India and Britain. Due to the seaport and work availability people from India, China and Malay settled in Singapore.
Thus, at time of separation there were no resources and assets except a seaport. Similarly, there was an ongoing tension with neighboring countries and the country had no defense against it; thence, the country had no real economy and defence. Food, water, energy and other important goods were imported from other countries and there was no hope that one day Singapore would become a powerhouse of education and a giant of economy.

What is the foundation of education in Singapore?
During a review of primary schools, it was revealed that physical education, music, art and love play could stimulate innate curiosity of children. This approach has been implemented in Singaporean schools systems. Moreover, the system of education in Singapore is based on ethical and moral values because without them all learning can be useless. Therefore, it is essential for obtaining a more holistic education that development of character, content and skills are equally balanced. To receive six years of primary education is common in Singapore education, five years of secondary education and for junior college, technical education or polytechnic two years. 

Obviously, the past of Singapore exhibits that the country has work hard to get a better place in educational world. Moreover, it has adopted various positive reforms to improve the standard of education. Now, Singapore has become proficient academic country that can easily compete with Europe and American education colleges and institutes.
The people who migrate to Singapore can take advantage of quality education for their children. Our immigration consultancy services also providing special and priority based services for students. We provide them the list of the best education colleges and institute of Singapore and help them to select the most relevant institution. In addition, we also do documentation for PR, Entrepreneur Pass, and Employment Pass.

Saturday 8 March 2014

To provide quality education is the priority of Singaporean government

During last four decades, Singapore has always focused on high-quality education system and never failed to achieve its target. The vision of the country is to provide equal and quality education to its entire citizens. However, nowadays this quality education has become a vital and attractive advantage for foreign students. They are highly-interested to complete their education in Singapore.

Reason for economic growth and unity
Evidently, the key to economic growth and national unity of Singapore is education. The country has no natural resources as some other big countries have. Surprisingly, these so called big countries are far behind in economic growth, education and political stability as compare to Singapore. Therefore, one can easily comprehend that the reasons for such terrific, simultaneous and steady growth in all platforms of the country is only high-standard of education.

The role of the government
In this regard, the efforts of Singaporean government are commendable. The Singaporean government has always been taking steps that could stable the country and to make the citizens of the country prosperous. The government has an adequate planning system, for instance, the ministry of manpower collaborate with several economic agencies to promote particular groups of industry. It also understands the important need of labor and can easily evaluate the future requirements. Similarly, the education ministry is working diligently to provide good education to all of the citizens. Seeing the keen interest of foreign students in Singaporean Education System, it has also taken radical steps to provide them all the facilities to get quality education in Singapore.

Thus, student pass, work pass and entrepreneur pass are connected to these efforts of all the ministries of Singaporean government. Thence, if you need good education, if you need a good job and if you want to establish a new business in Singapore, do not hesitate because Singapore also needs you to fill up the gap of talent.
If you feel that, you are eligible for the application or not certain whether you fulfil the required criteria or not, do not hesitate to contact us. We are capable to guide you quickly regarding your queries and can solve your issues easily.
If you are a student and want to obtain high-quality education in Singapore, take the following steps.
    By using our website book your appointment and do it quickly because it is a lengthy process and may take several months
    If you are already studying in selected colleges, institutes or schools the process will become just a formality (you can download the list of the selected colleges, institute and schools from the govt websites)
    Chose a college or institute of your choice, you can directly contact the college or institute of your choice and they can also guide you about the process
    Your supporting documents should be in English
Although the above-mentioned steps are not sufficient, yet they are the most important for a foreigner who wants to obtain any Pass or PR in Singapore.

A journey to success, become Permanent Resident of Singapore with our help

For an authentic resource for any applicant regarding PR in Singapore, our immigration consultancy service is the best. You can download FAQs on the process, forms, and checklists as well as you can get our online help for other issues. Usually, people ask why should we become permanent resident of Singapore or what are the advantages after becoming a PR. We can state below significant advantages of permanent residents:
•    To become a citizen of Singapore, you will need to obtain a PR
•    You can become eligible for various government’s funding schemes such as housing and other loans
•    Non-Permanent Residents cannot buy land in Singapore; however, despite land shortage PR can easily buy land in Singapore
•    You can become eligible for CPF (Central Provident Fund) because when you become PR a monthly amount is deducted from your salary and from your employer’s income and the total amount is submitted in CPF. To become eligible for CPF is a great advantage for pension benefits, health care facility and you can deposit this amount to purchase land or property.
•    After achieving PR, you do not need any work permit; thus, you become free to do any job of your choice

A possible but minor disadvantage
These all are great advantage of being a permanent resident; however, there is one requirement that can become a worry for you that every male child who has a PR, he would have to serve in Singaporean army. Obviously, this can be a problem, if Singapore declares war against your mother country!

The great need of labours and professionals
Definitely, Singapore has been always in great need of foreign labours, skilled workers and other high-profile professionals to enhance the national standard and worldwide recognition of the country. The native Singaporean people are not very interested to reproduce new generation and the population of the country is thin. Therefore, the government of Singapore is working to motivate foreigners to come Singapore for work, education and investments.

Appealing Singapore
Rationally, Singapore is an irresistible country for foreign students due to great educational standards, for labours because the pay rate is good and work is plenty, and for investors as there are flexible taxes, other relaxations, availability of workers and political stability.

Conclusively, Singapore has become an open country with less visa and legal restrictions, specifically for educated and skilled professionals. However, the laws of Singapore are very harsh for petty criminals, revolutionaries, drug addicts and pirates; therefore, every aspect of a new comer is thoroughly checked by the authorities. We are sure that you are not a criminal or drug addicts but these facts must be kept in mind prior to any filing of application.
If you feel that, you are eligible for the application or not certain whether you fulfil the required criteria or not, do not hesitate to contact us. We are capable to guide you quickly regarding your queries and can solve your issues easily.

What documents are required for immigration documentation ?

After having access to an Entry Permit, foreigners can become SPRs (Singapore Permanent Residents). Thus, the application that is forwarded for Entry Permit is the part of Singapore Permanent Residence process. The following classifications of non-Singaporeans can eligible for the submission of applications:
    Entrepreneurs and Investors
    Foreigners who are able to meet specific guidelines may forward their application for PR through our migration consultancy service
    Workers who have P,Q or S pass
    Old parents of a citizen of Singapore
    Unmarried children (but under 21 years) of a Permanent Resident

You can take advantage of GIP and EDB
Regarding setting up or conducting business in Singapore, GIP (Global Investor Programme) has been launched and business executives and entrepreneurs can take advantage of this programme. Moreover, foreign investors and entrepreneurs can get help from EDB, for linking their business with local business and this helps up to surface fresh chances of business growth. During your stay and entry in Singapore, the GIP can facilitate various immigration processes. Similarly, entrepreneurs and investors with excellent past business prospect can easily apply for PR. You can call us and we will guide you for successful process of application.

What documents you need

Any foreigner who is willing to relocate, study and work in Singapore can apply for permanent residency by submitting an application. In this regard, he/she will have to produce the following in accordance with the requirement:
1.    Form 4: A complete set of Form 4, you can download it easily from any relevant government site. However, if face any problem you can ask our help. From Part A to Part E and Part G will be filled in by the applicant and Part F and Part H of Form 4 will be completed by the local sponsor.
2.    Passport size photographs will be needed; therefore, you must get ready your photographs and your children’s photographs, if they are included. The size of the photograph is 35mmx45mm, there should not be any border and photograph must be recent. Applicant’s full face must be visible. The background of the photograph should be plain white and the image of face size should be between 25mm and 35mm from chin to crown
 Furthermore, the following documents may also require, if there is a requirement; therefore, keep them in your mind:

    Marriage Certificate
    Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate and the papers of custody of children, in case of previous marriage
    If there is a need, a letter from applicant’s and sponsor’s employer regarding the salary per month for last six months (basic+ overtime+ allowance), designation, and date of employment
    Valid Business Registration Certificate of the sponsor; if require income tax notices of applicant and sponsor for the last three years
    Work Pass, if require
    ID card of both (applicant if have and sponsor)
    Birth Certificate of Applicant
    Applicant’s and Sponsor’s education certificates
    If there are children then there birth certificates and education certificates

However, in different cases, some other documents are also required; therefore, it would be better for you to contact us, we will advise you according to your case scenario.

Thursday 6 March 2014

What are the distinguishing qualities of Singapore ?

Every country has some reasons to become distinguished among other countries. Nonetheless, not all the countries have qualities similar to Singapore. The country has all the ingredients that make the country irresistible for foreigner students, job seekers and entrepreneurs. Surprisingly, everybody is keen to obtain a work pass, entrepreneur pass or PR (permanent residence). We help those who want to obtain all of these goals because our immigration consultancy service is top class in Singapore. However, firstly we would like to reveal those qualities that have become significance for Singapore.

Asian or Westernized
Singapore is one of the few countries in the world who can offer Asian or Westernized culture simultaneously. Obviously, no other Asian country can challenge Singapore in this regard because Singapore has a large population of people of different countries. Thus, Singapore is the combination of Eastern and Western culture. Moreover, this does not affect its own identity and culture. In addition, this practice of multi-culture proves that East and West can live together and this makes Rudyard Kipling wrong who said that East and West could not meet.  In Singapore, live Indians, Malays, Chinese, and European. All the religion Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hindu religious practice exist at a single place with harmony, love and friendship.
Ecology Friendly
Singapore has the abundance of tree and plants. In fact, despite its tiny size it can beat United States of America in plantation and tree species. In addition, the country celebrates tree planting day every year to exhibit the importance of green atmosphere.

Familiarity to English Language
English Language is the most essential and commendable part of Singaporean society. In Asia, Singaporeans have the strongest skills of English speaking and this depicts the strength of its education system. English and native language both are taught to every child. Due to the familiarity and popularity of English Language, every Western or Asian person feels a friendly environment in Singapore. Moreover, to study about Western culture, traditions, technologies and other related sciences are not difficult for Singaporeans. This makes an exposure to new world and understanding.
Proficient System of governance
The system of governance in Singapore is highly effective. All the laws are equal for a cabinet member or common citizen and this creates equity. The three important factors of Singaporean foundation are honesty, meritocracy and uncomplicated. The political stability of Singapore attracts several business persons, immigrants, and education lovers because to prosperity and uninterrupted education political peace is a prerequisite.
If you have a wish to become a part of such a great society, you can contact us because we believe you also have the right to avail the highest facilities of health and education.  Our service is honest and trusted. Our clients are our gems and Singapore glittering with their shines. Our countless clients are permanent residence, prominent students, and high-profile business persons. They trusted us and we served them according to their trust. Therefore, hurry to become a part of Singaporean country.

Why Singapore has achieved success quickly ?

No other country in the world could achieve success like Singapore. After independence from British in 1965, the country developed itself amazingly. Even the most advanced countries could not imagine such tremendous outcome of efforts. The success of Singapore is not specific to business where it surpasses its neighboring countries amazingly. The education system of Singapore has been, during the last decade, consistently one of the best education systems among other countries’ top education system.

Effective Strategies
The country implemented very clever business strategies to drive the economy. The excellent utilization of human capital is an example to follow. During all the years, no incident of discrimination and gender bias has been observed. Even the foreigners have received equal status and equal education. This is the reason why people want to come, live and work in Singapore.

A cosmopolitan country
Despite such overwhelming rush of people, the country accepts everyone with open heart and there are no restrictions and legal barriers to become permanent resident of Singapore. However, everyone who is interested to become permanent resident, or the ones who want to get quality education in Singapore, and those who want to work here or start a business there are some procedures to follow. The procedures are not difficult; however, you can make mistake, if you do not take immigration consultancy.

What is the importance of immigration consultancy?
Immigration consultancy is essential because of some complex legal procedures. Although the procedures is not as complex as it is considered but for a foreigner, it becomes an intricate problem. For instance, foreigners are not well aware when to apply for permanent residence and when to apply for work pass or entrepreneur pass. Actually, some foreigners use online help and study everything but at the time of implementation, they forget what to do now because they are not used to it. On the contrary, an immigration consultancy like us fully understands all the requirements and filing of application methods; therefore, we do not make mistakes because it is our job and we earn due to our proficiency in immigration matters.

It is possible that you may contact a consultancy that claims its expertise but in the end they lead you nowhere, except failure. Moreover, they overcharge you. Thus, on one hand, you lose money and on the other hand, you achieve nothing. To avoid this failure and loss of money, you should consult us because we are the best immigration consultancy service in Singapore. We do not claim anything instead; we show you our successful record of clients. Our clients are now permanent resident of Singapore and they are enjoying all the benefits of a permanent resident.

Everybody has a right to live in a country of his/her choice

Every human on earth has right to move anywhere and live anywhere and these rights are in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was developed in 1948. Thus, one can live in any country and can return his own country. However, everybody has a different reason to relocate in another country. Some change their country for the sake of better jobs, some change their locations for better education and some change their beloved country to do business in another country where environment is better and taxes are more flexible.

Different countries for relocation
Similarly, in various countries one can settle such as United States of America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand etc. However, in these countries to settle is not easy, specifically for an Asian, because of visa strictness and other tough legal requirements. Moreover, you need a large sum of money for business and obtaining education in these countries. In addition, the cultural atmosphere is highly different from Asian countries.
Likewise, there are several countries in Asia. You can think about to settle in there such as UAE, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan etc. Nonetheless, to relocate in Japan is as difficult as to settle in Europe. The other countries do not have a multicultural environment. Thus, one who does not belong to their religion and tradition cannot easily intermingle there. Therefore, the only country where people of different culture and languages can easily live is Singapore.

What is the difference in Singapore and other countries?
There is no language, religion, and cultural barrier in Singapore. Moreover, it is highly suitable for permanent resident seekers, job seekers and entrepreneurs. People from various other countries are already living there happily. Even people from several European countries and America are living there.

Find us; we will carry out your wishes
If you are still searching a country, where you can live or do business with prosperity and without any difficulty, Singapore is the right choice. For further information, you can contact us because we are the best immigration consultancy service in Singapore. If you are a student and want to get education in Singapore, we will guide you regarding the process. If you are an entrepreneur and wishes to start a business, we will go along with you unless you obtain your goals. If you are a PR (Permanent Resident) seeker, we will provide you information how to accomplish this.
Our immigration consultancy services are known, authentic and reliable. Through our guidelines, you will able to enter into a new world of happiness and prosperity. You can check our achievements’ graph because we have a commendable past. Therefore, people prefer us, people recommend us and people trust us.
We hope, very soon you would contact us and we would not disappoint you. To fulfil your dreams is our only motive. You may contact us through our website or you can call us. Even on the phone call, we can help you out or our representative would reach at your place quickly.